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Named for Hazel Nut Trees in area (William Gregg)

Original tract sold to Alexander Caldwell, assignee of Missouri River Railroad Company, tract being part of Delaware Indian Reservation as conveyed by treaty of 24 September 1829.  Granted by President Andrew Johnson (Secretary of Interior and General Land Office) in accord with second Article of Treaty, 4 July 1866 between the United States and the Delaware Tribe of Indians, and ratified 10 August 1866. The whole of fractional Sec. 33, Township 10, Range 24, containing 237 12/100 acres.

Mr. William Gregg, local historian, tells us that Hazel Grove was organized between 1867 and 1872 on J. M. Mahaney land, and that it was named for the Hazel Nut trees growing in the vicinity.  The 1924 school in the picture was built approximately in 1911 (with outside privies) and burned in 1933.  At that time, Mr. Gregg (and all 8 grades from Hazel Grove) attended Hazel Grove classes in Washington High School until a new 4-room building was completed (north portion of current building).  We would welcome information from community patrons on the history of Hazel Grove prior to 1946. (Note:  The 1887 GM-Hopkins Survey Map shows Hazel Grove on M. J. Mahaney property.)

(Officers, Wyandott Gazette, 17 July 1873 – F. C. Elkins, J. M. Mahony and W. R. Malott)


1887 – G. M. Hopkins Surveys & Plats Map of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas:  Located on Mahaney property..

1946 – July 2: from Norman A. Schoneman and Eugenia M. Schoneman: ($500) Beginning at a point 929 feet South of the NW corner of the SW @ of Sec. 34, T.10 S., R.24E; thence north 20 feet; thence east 354.35 feet; thence south 246.05 feet; thence west 161.3 feet; thence north 226.05 feet; thence west 193.05 feet to the point of beginning containing 1 acres more or less.

1952 – Addition of classrooms to original building. “Schools in KCKs in Years of Change, 1964-86,” by O. L. Plucker, Superintendent Emeritus, June, 1987

1953 – February 21: From Henry E. Hartman: Beginning at a point 1155.05 feet South of the NW corner of the SW @ of Sec. 34, T.10, R.24; thence east 660 feet; thence south 170.25 feet; thence west 660 feet; thence north 170.25 feet to point of beginning, containing 2,580 acres more or less.

1955 – Second addition of classrooms to original building. “Schools in KCKs in Years of Change, 1964-86,” by O. L. Plucker, Superintendent Emeritus, June, 1987

1956 – August 28: From D. J. Glover and Faye Glover: Beginning at a point North 0 degrees 41′ west 327.00 feet from a point 659.59 feet east of the SW corner of Sec. 34, T. 10S, R. 24E, in Wyandotte County, Kansas; thence north 0 degrees 41′ west 1171.07 feet more or less to the south line of Schoencrest Addition; thence east along the south line of said Schoencrest 200. feet; thence south 0 degrees 41′ east 1171.63 feet more or less to point east of beginning; thence west 219.89 feet more or less to point of beginning.

Third addition to west building. “Schools in KCKs in Years of Change, 1964-86,” by O. L. Plucker, Superintendent Emeritus, June, 1987

1958 – John F. Stockhoff and Minnie Stockhoff (wife) sold the following property to Hazel Grove School District #34 for $12,000 on 15 March 1958:

Property located on 72nd Street in Wyandotte County, Kansas, in the NE corner of the J. F. Stockhoff farm. Property is two acres wide facing 72nd Street and 3 acres deep. A total of six acres: “Beg. at a point 1329.29 feet East of the NW corner of the SW @ of Sec. 33 in T 10S, R 24E, Wyandotte County, Kansas; thence south 417.42 feet; thence east 626.13 feet; thence north 417.42 feet; thence west 626.13 feet to point of beginning, containing 6 acres more or less.”

Construction of east primary annex. “Schools in KCKs in Years of Change, 1964-86,” by O. L. Plucker, Superintendent Emeritus, June, 1987

1962 – Hazel Grove Elementary School taken into the Washington District. “Schools in KCKs in Years of Change, 1964-86,” by O. L. Plucker, Superintendent Emeritus, June, 1987

1967 – January 1: Became a part of Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools as a result of vote of Washington USD patrons to attach to KCK.

2001 – Voters approved a proposed $120 million bond issue at the Municipal Election Tuesday (April 3, 2001) to air-condition schools, improve technology, and make other upgrades to schools and public libraries. Hazel Grove was part of Phase I, which was completed in the summer of 2001.

2014 - A new school building was opened for Hazel Grove. The original building became the new Earl Watson Early Childhood Center.