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Hornet Highlights

Hazel Grove has many amazing students and staff!

They are constantly demonstrating incredible talents, courage, kindness, and all kinds of quality characteristics. Check out a few of the most recent praise worthy accomplishment seen Here at the grove!


On January 23rd, Hazel Grove held its very own Spelling Bee! Competing were students from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.

Congratulations to the winners!

1st place - Hau K.

2nd place - Shane H.

3rd place - Gael. R.
Hau will be attending the district Spelling Bee competition later this year, with Shane as his alternate.

portrait of Spelling Bee winners



Congratulations Brandon!

Brandon Kinsey, 4th grade, was chosen as Student of the Month for the entire KCKPS School District. He was recognized by the Board for his amazing character on January 23rd.

Student of the Month Brandon Kinsey


Rafe Yang

Cherry Ling

Genevie Gonzales

Liliana Gonzales

Dasy Parchin

Francisca Godinez

JaMere Graham

Lyrica Jones

Isabella Spuehler

Serena Serrano

Brandon Kinsey

These are our HORNET STUDENTS for:


Each month our teachers submit the names of students in their classes that demonstrate positive and exemplary attitudes and behaviors. Particularly that of being PROUD, SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL. We want to acknowledge and honor these students for their quality of character!

Hornet mascot

Christian Velasquez

Autumn Hang

Angelynn Mancinas Bonilla

Marlon Cabrera Martinez

Anthony Marquez

Lance Byers

Jaylene Alvarez

Jose Maria Paz Murcia

Alvaro Gavarete

Jesse Alvarez